Haretna Project: A Safe Home Zone and Livable Community
Client : Hikmat Road Safety (Mr. Maher Qaddora)
Location : Hay Al Zuhoor, Amman- Jordan
Year : 2008
The Fieldwork at the beginning centered on understanding the situation in Hai al Zuhour in terms of physical features, land-use, behavior characteristics of drivers and pedestrians, condition of streets, sidewalks and paths in addition traffic counting and walking audits for students were also conducted. A pre-design scoping session with the community took place to elicit their desires and needs.
The design thrived to provide a safe home zone for the neighborhood. It included the provision of spaces for children to play, zebra crossing, medians, sidewalks that work, safe entrances and exists to schools and parks with needed handrails, street art, and signage (traffic related and directional). A postdesign scoping session was also held with the community.