Wadi Al Sail Development
Location : Doha- Qatar
Joint Venture : Al Darah Architects
Competition : An International Architectural & Planning Competition of 176 (Third Prize)
Year : 2004
The Project cantered on an urban and architectural design for Wadi Al-Sail (670000 m2) area in Doha close to the Sea Cornice. The development of Wadi al Sail is part of larger plans of serious urban planning and development in the City of Doha that addresses and City’s Cornice and its immediate surroundings.
This competition of the Development of Wadi Al Sail Area is a continuation of this enlightened vision for a new approach to urban planning in the City.
The design of Wadi al Sail area is supposed to culminate in a “model District” for the City of Doha to be repeated in its approach and vision in other places along and adjacent to the Cornice. Therefore, the design and planning approaches were of ultimate importance and they reflected this enlightened vision for the City and avoided the ills of “modernity planning” which had created placelessness urban spaces and isolated “Isores” all over the Arab World and the Gulf.
The Project adopted a critical approach to urban planning and to the built form, thus ending up with a viable and collective urban form that is vibrant, at the cutting edge, and is a representation of local culture and dynamics. This is an architecture that takes the advantages of technological advances but is still truthful to its roots and society.