Zahran Corridor Urban Conservation & Design Plan
Client : Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)
Location : Amman- Jordan
Year : 2007- 2009
This project, initiated by Greater Amman Municipality, thrived to achieve protection and future urban rehabilitation for this very significant heritage corridor in the City of Amman which is undergoing potential transformations and change. Furthermore, the Project aims to brainstorm preliminary ideas for urban design and public space improvements within the Corridor.
Project progressed through 3 stages:
Stage I: Zahran Heritage Corridor Assessment Survey
Stage I Centered on conducting a detailed urban survey within the Corridor (including a public life/space survey, a photographic survey and a transportation survey). Furthermore, the analysis and assessment of the Corridor included current zoning & land use, architectural style and typology, building heights and chronology, in addition to detailed socio-architectural and spatial narratives of Zahran Corridor. Analysis also included the changing urban nature and character of the Corridor through time from the 1st to the 5th Circle in addition to an evaluation of the public transportation system and a transportation survey along the Corridor. Finally, urban lights and lighting along the Corridor was evaluated and assessed.
Stage II: Urban Design of Zahran Heritage Corridor (Physical Interventions)
The main objective for this Stage was to come up with an urban corridor strategy for Zahran. The Corridor Strategy centered on:
• Urban Positioning: addressing the conservation of Amman’s distinctive crest lines.
• Zahran as a Green Corridor (Artery) on its Way to Density
• Zahran as a Corridor of Light, including strategizing for aesthetic urban lights (luminaries design) in addition to urban furniture
• Urban Excellence and Traffic Calming Strategies
Furthermore, Stage II also included urban design visions and conceptual ideas for the different Roundabouts and the Stretches between them while taking into consideration the urban design strategy for each of the segments along Zahran.
Stage III: Urban Intervention, Character, and Interface Guidelines at Zahran Heritage Corridor
Stage III Centered mainly on coming up with guidelines and recommendations for the protection and continuity of urban excellence at Zahran Heritage Corridor. Architectural typological studies were conducted along Zahran, in addition a though evaluation of bad practices that lead to adverse effects at the urban and architectural scales were evaluated.
Finally, detailed guidelines for Zahran corridor were laid out in terms of nature of the interface at the street level, new additions, building heights, landscaping, building materials, textures, and colors, parking, and several other related matters.